

Colorado   Joined December 31st, 2009
8 Instructables   1,956,173 Views   135 Comments   551 Followers

I'm an Electrical Engineer who dabbles in just about everything. By trade, I'm a controls engineer and design machines for the largest manufacturing plants in the world. At home, I make a lot of embedded systems projects and tinker with my CNC machine and 3D printer.

A_Steingrube's Instructables

Quick and Dirty Mosquito Trap

Quick and Dirty Mosquito Trap

Send Texts With Intel Edison (Party Alarm)

Send Texts With Intel Edison (Party Alarm)

Email With Intel Edison (Intruder Alarm)

Email With Intel Edison (Intruder Alarm)

Tweet With Your Intel Edison

Tweet With Your Intel Edison

High Quality (and Safe) Nickel Plating

High Quality (and Safe) Nickel Plating

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