

Brazil   Joined May 14th, 2009
8 Instructables   235,744 Views   29 Comments   88 Followers

I’m Fernando Zigunov, a refrigeration engineer R&D specialist, interested on a myriad of scientific subjects. I graduated as a Mechanical Engineer at UNISINOS unversity and now am aspiring to join for a PhD program at FSU in the near future! Sometimes in the middle of the hectic industrial/academic life I find time for my fun projects. And which platform is better than Instructables to do it?

3dfernando's Instructables

POV Display With Wireless Power!

POV Display With Wireless Power!

Make Yourself an Aluminum Rose!

Make Yourself an Aluminum Rose!

UV Shoe Sanitizer Box

UV Shoe Sanitizer Box

Cell Phone Dock Charging Station From Scrap Materials

Cell Phone Dock Charging Station From Scrap Materials

Poor Man's Carton Short Radius Curve

Poor Man's Carton Short Radius Curve

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