

Russia Tomsk   Joined November 23rd, 2017
7 Instructables   17,130 Views   22 Comments   26 Followers

I like to do something by hand)))

КысьБ's Instructables

Warming Tea With Spices and Fruits

Warming Tea With Spices and Fruits

Tzimmes - Jewish Delicacy

Tzimmes - Jewish Delicacy

Cookies 'Fried Eggs'

Cookies 'Fried Eggs'

Chanakhi - Tasty Traditional Georgian Lamb Stew

Chanakhi - Tasty Traditional Georgian Lamb Stew

Сhildren's Party With Tatty Teddy Bear (Me to You)

Сhildren's Party With Tatty Teddy Bear (Me to You)

View all Instructables