

0   Joined October 25th, 2021
15 Instructables   43,350 Views   45 Comments   20 Followers

A wife and a mom to 2 wonderful kids...I was working as a software Engineer. I am passionate about cooking and baking with love for my friends and family. My son is allergic to eggs. I was inspired to bake without eggs so that he would never feel left out. That's how my baking adventure started.

LaviBakeHouse's Instructables

Easy Gluten Free Sponge Cake Using Rice Flour

Easy Gluten Free Sponge Cake Using Rice Flour

Cat Family | Cats and Tigers Pull-apart Buns

Cat Family | Cats and Tigers Pull-apart Buns

Pizzas, Pizza Sauce and Bread Sticks

Pizzas, Pizza Sauce and Bread Sticks

Black Forest Cake With Chocolate Lace Collar

Black Forest Cake With Chocolate Lace Collar

Japanese Fruit Sando Using Homemade Shokupan Bread

Japanese Fruit Sando Using Homemade Shokupan Bread

Vegan Roasted Cauliflower Soup and Cheesy Garlic Rolls

Vegan Roasted Cauliflower Soup and Cheesy Garlic Rolls

 Orange-Chocolate Neapolitan Pie

Orange-Chocolate Neapolitan Pie

Chicken Thukpa for Winters

Chicken Thukpa for Winters

Fluffy Garlic Bread With Ham and Cottage Cheese Filling

Fluffy Garlic Bread With Ham and Cottage Cheese Filling

Checkerboard Cookies

Checkerboard Cookies

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